Since 2020, 470 donors have been mobilised in Freetown for the country’s only maternity referral hospital.
Donating blood is very important to save lives. Had it not been a blood bank in Koidu government hospital I would have lost my wife and child during operation.

You don't have to be a doctor
Rick's story
When I was a student nurse, one of my patients died because there was no blood in the blood bank which would have saved his life. I decided that day that I would start to donate and have since donated 24 times. However, I knew that my efforts alone would not solve the problem so I started to talking to my friends and other young people in my community.
Things have just grown from there! My vision is that no-one in Sierra Leone should die from a lack of blood, and the only way that is going to happen is by people like us donating, as volunteers, motivated by love for life.
You don’t have to be a doctor to save a life, just give blood!