2 Young Lives (2YL)

Workshop in Tombo Community

Mangenda traveled to Tombo Community with the express purpose training local school principals and teachers about the importance of the Radical Inclusion Policy.

The 2 day training program was well attended and those present benefited by receiving clarity concerning the associated Sierra Leone Government policies, covering such areas as caring for pregnant or mothering pupils in schools, the psychosocial support necessary for traumatized pupils and LNP’s own committed values, the latter facilitated by Prince Tommy Williams, the LNP Executive Director.

The training session ended with certificates being awarded, by Prince Tommy Williams  to the twenty participants who attended all the sessions…

Community Engagements in Tombo Community

Prince Tommy Williams also engaged the Community stakeholders with the purpose of evaluating the work of 2 Young Lives, and these leaders expressed their significant satisfaction in light of the impacts created by the project, particularly the drastic reduction of maternal death in the town.
It was also noted that through the work of 2YL there had been an increased attendance by these pregnant girls at the available ante-natal clinics, the reduction in the abandonment of pregnant teens, home deliveries being discouraged and the attendant risks reduced, and an increased awareness and community watchfulness concerning the whole need for the care of young girls.

In addition, a Round Trip was conducted to all the sites with the purpose of recruiting community people to conduct internal surveys to capture information concerning under-18 girls who are pregnant but who had  not been picked up by the data collectors in the past due to them declaring false information, especially their true age.