Lifeline Church Freetown & Punduru

John Sapha Kamara and Maria Bangura, both members of our community, went through their traditional wedding ceremony on April 14th, which was a joyful occasion as families and friends came together to celebrate with these two lovely young people.

The Punduru team has been seeking support from the Church in Freetown for the past six months but, as a consequence of tight schedules experienced by the Freetown team, delays occurred however, eventually, a visit was arranged and took place from April 1st to April 4th.

During the visit the Punduru Church leadership received support, including a review of the leadership structure and a two-day intensive training session, involving workshops on leadership/authority, the essence of the Church, and its purpose.

Youth members from Lifeline Church in Freetown, John Sanpha Kamara, Thomas Joel Karim, Princess Williams and Zainab Lassie, utilised some of the drama learned during the UK team’s visit to Sierra Leone to educate on supporting leaders, and parts of the Foundation course material were used to train the youth in Lifeline Punduru Church.

Resulting from this visit, it has been agreed that the leadership in Freetown will continue to provide support to the team in Punduru by conducting regular online training sessions, and occasionally by calling the leadership team to Freetown.